“the chemistry of em” YA short story in YARN

I’m delighted to share that my short story, “The Chemistry of Em” is up at Young Adult Review Network!






YARN is an amazing resource for young adult readers and people of any age who write for young adult readers. I’m pretty much pleased as punch to have work included there. And a big thank you to the editor who accepted my piece and worked with me on revisions, Diana Renn, who was incredibly gracious and insightful!





“The Chemistry of Em” chronicles Em’s abrupt move across the world without her parents, her lack of fitting in, her three inappropriate suitors, and, of course, her chem teacher Ms. Martine whose scientific advice gets her through it.

I do hope you’ll check out my story and stick around for the others too!

2 Responses to “the chemistry of em” YA short story in YARN

  1. Bonnie Eng says:

    This is such an interesting piece, Danielle. Too bad it’s so short…I feel like I want to see what happens to Em in the next chapters….:)

    Did Em have prom at the Nixon Library?

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