Tag Archives: children’s book giveaway

this picture book life turns 9

For This Picture Book Life’s 9th anniversary, I’m giving away two bundles of new, some summery and some fall-feeling, picture books with this theme: people and places. Summer adventures, special relatives, trips, swimming, biographies, first days of school, belonging, identity, siblings, pizza, and more!



The giveaway for Bundle One will be right here! (Rafflecopter below.)

The one for Bundle Two will be on Instagram—here instead!



The First Bundle:

Climb on! Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara, written by Baptiste Paul (2022).

Ready for the Spotlight! by Jaime Kim (2022).

Clementine and the Lion by Zoey Abbott (2022).

I’ll Go and Come Back by Rajani LaRocca, illustrated by Sara Palacios (2022).

Black Girl Rising by Brynne Barnes, illustrations by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh (2022).

Pizza: A Slice of History by Greg Pizzoli (2022).

The Fossil Whisperer by Helaine Becker and Sandra Dumais (2022).

This is a School words by John Schu, illustrations by Veronica Miller Jamison (2022).


The Second Bundle:

The Big Bath House by Kyo Maclear & Gracey Zhang (2021).

My Town Mi Pueblo by Nicholas Solis, illustrated by Luisa Uribe (2022).

A Mermaid Girl by Sana Rafi, illustrated by Olivia Aserr (2022).

The Queen of Kindergarten by Derrick Barnes and Vanessa Brantley-Newton (2022).

Cycle City by Alison Farrell (2018).

Everything in Its Place: A Story of Books and Belonging by Pauline David-Sax, illustrated by Charnel Pinkney Barlow (2022).

Strong written by Rob Kearney & Eric Rosewood, illustrated by Nidhi Chanani (2022).

One Boy Watching by Grant Snider (2022).


Okay, enter to win below for the first bundle or on IG for the second! And many thanks for following along with This Picture Book Life.



seven years of this picture book life giveaway!

It’s been seven years of This Picture Book Life! A blog anniversary around here always means one thing: a picture book giveaway. I hope the winner will be able to read these with young people in their life whether students or children and also, potentially, pass a few along to someone else to share them around.

One winner will receive seven picture books + two for the older set. Titles and entry form below! (N. America only.) 


You Matter by Christian Robinson (2020), a super inventive book that tells the reader they are everyone are precious: young, old, first, last, stuff too small to see. (I featured this title in this post on picture books for now.)  Big thanks to Simon & Schuster for a copy of this picture book! 

Freedom, We Sing by Amyra Leon and Molly Mendoza (2020), a gorgeous, meaningful poem exploring how we all dream of and deserve to breathe free in a conversation between a parent and child. Big thanks to Flying Eye Books for a copy of this picture book!

Our Favorite Day of the Year written by A.E. Ali, illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell (2020) honors the beautiful quilt of traditions celebrated by children in one classroom. Big thanks to Salaam Reads for a copy of this picture book!

Storyboat words by Kyo Maclear, pictures by Rashin Kheiriyeh (2020) is the story of refugees and how stories offer hope. Big thanks to Penguin Random House Canada for a copy of this picture book!

Don’t Worry Little Crab by Chris Haughton (2020) shows us how Little Crab (and little readers) has the capacity to be braver and stronger than they might think. (Find a crab and coloring page craft from Mayel Creates in this blog post.) Big thanks to Candlewick for a copy of this picture book!

The Old Truck by Jarrett Pumphrey and Jerome Pumphrey (2020), a gentle book, full of love, about a girl with dreams and determination illustrated with timeless, textured stamps. (Find a stamp craft to go with The Old Truck in this post!)

Like the Moon Loves the Sky by Hena Khan, illustrated by Saffa Khan (2020) is a series of loving hopes for a child as they grow, inspired by the Quran. (I featured this title in this blog post on picture books for comfort.) Big thanks to Chronicle for a copy of this picture book!


Love Your Body by Jessica Sanders, illustrated by Carol Rossetti (2019) is a wonderfully affirming book about embracing and appreciating your body, and honoring others’ too. Big thanks to Quarto Kids for a copy of this picture book!

Say Her Name by Zetta Elliott, illustrated by Loveis Wise (2020) is a compilation of 49 powerful poems and vivid illustrations that empower and speak to Black women and girls while honoring the ones who have been killed by racist police violence and lifting up the activists fighting that violence.


5 years of this picture book life + giveaway!

5 years! So many picture book posts!

To celebrate, I’d like to give away 5 sets of picture books on different themes.

Each one has its own Rafflecopter—enter one or two or all five! (North America only.)



Saffron Ice Cream; The Manic Panic; Surf’s Up (board book); The Lost Picnic.



Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black HistoryPreaching to the Chickens: The Story of Young John Lewis; Miguel y su valiente caballero: El joven Cervantes sueña a don Quijote; Little Guides to Great Lives: Amelia Earhart; Dangerous Jane; A Boy and a Jaguar.


Julián Is a Mermaid; Alma and How She Got Her Name; Always Anjali.


Set #4: SCIENCE!

How to Code a Sandcastle; The Brilliant Deep; Bonkers About Beetles; Follow the Moon Home; Over and Under the Pond.



How to Read a Story; Nimesh the Adventurer; Read the Book, Lemmings; The Word Collector; A Child of Books.