fine furniture in picture books

A few weeks ago, Travis Jonker of 100 Scope Notes tweeted that he wanted to read a blog or blog post about furniture in picture books.

So, with his permission, I took it and ran.  Travis was inspired by The Memory of an Elephant: An Unforgettable Journey. So I started there and looked for other bold furnishings, specifically seating, in picture books.


Behold, picture books in which furniture and decor take a front seat (har har):


MEMORY OF AN ELEPHANT: A Charles and Ray Eames DSW chair appears on the first spread of this one-of-a-kind book and the mid-century modern furniture cameos continue.





Eames DSW chair; fiberglass chairs via Modernica.





BKF/Butterfly chair; butterfly chairs via Plux.

ROSIE REVERE, ENGINEER: This is a stylish book all around. Just one example is that the far left pink-haired aunt sits in what resembles a Solair Chair in black.





Solair Chair; solair chair via styleNorth.

Rosie Revere Engineer_Page_10



Rosie’s peacock chair; peacock chair in natural via Anthropologie.

GASTON: That high back armchair! So French! Vibrant, floral, and perfect for reading!



Wingback Chair; Lotus Blossom Wingback Chair via Anthropologie.

(Thanks, Carter, for mentioning Gaston!)


MAUDE THE NOT-SO-NOTICEABLE SHRIMPTON: That hot pink settee! Pretty hot decor throughout this book!



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Hot pink settee; hot pink settee via Decor Me Happy.




Club chair/Wingback chair; Fireside armchair via Anthropologie.


Finally, Jon Klassen appears to have an affinity for wooden chairs (in addition to hats!) Here’s one in THE DARK.




And there’s a lovely, ornate one in EXTRA YARN  as well.







Mismatched vintage chairs of all kinds via Unearthed Vintage. So rustic and pretty!

As you take a peek at your own picture books, do let me know if there are any stand-out furniture pieces!


15 Responses to fine furniture in picture books

  1. Now I’ve got to go check all my books to see what furniture they feature. I’ve got “Iggy Peck, Architect,” by the same author as “Rosie Revere.” I’m thinking there must be some fab furniture in that one.

  2. I’m thinking, though, that I love the elephant’s furniture the best from the illustrations you’ve featured here.

  3. I always hoped I’d have a fancy bed like Miss Clavel’s in Madeline.
    Just a suggestion for the next post when you move on from seating!

  4. Tim says:

    I’ve always wanted a guestroom bed like the ones James Marshall drew for George and Martha–tall, narrow, slightly squished, with a fun Marimekko comforter on top.

  5. Tanya Turek says:

    Superb post! Don’t miss Steve Guarnaccia’s GOLDILOCKS & THE THREE BEARS: A TALE MODERNE and THE THREE PIGS: AN ARCHITECTURAL TALE that both have great furniture in them.

  6. Bonnie Eng says:

    I would love to read in a chair like the one in Gaston….so pretty!

  7. Gwenyth says:

    RETURN TO GONE-AWAY by Elizabeth Enright is the ultimate furniture-discovery novel (an attic full of cool antiques that pay for the all the family’s home renovations!!!), the sort of kids’ book that likely launched many a Martha Stewart. It’s all lovingly illustrated by Joe & Beth Krush…

  8. Pingback: picture book gift guide for grownups - This Picture Book Life

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