Tag Archives: tree crafts

five picture books about trees + cherry blossom tree crafts

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It’s April. It’s spring! It’s Earth Month. Let’s talk about naturey picture books!

Let’s talk about an array of them featuring TREES to start.


weplantedatreeWe Planted a Tree by Diane Muldrow, illustrated by Bob Staake.


One family plants a tree. And so does the other. A tribute to the good things trees do for everybody, across the world.

And I love the dedication to Wangari Maathai, aka Mama Miti.



Screen Shot 2014-03-31 at 4.09.29 PMimages via Tiny Reads 


thetreeladyThe Tree Lady by H. Joseph Hopkins, illustrated by Jill McElmurry.




A biobook of Kate Sessions who grew up in the 1860s, when most girls didn’t study science. But Kate did.





Kate was distinct. Kate did a lot of surprising things. One special one was planting trees in San Diego when it was dusty brown. That’s how she became known as the Mother of Balboa Park.


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image via Art Julz 




jack-pine-picture-bookJack Pine by Christopher Patton, illustrations by Cybele Young.


“Come meet Jack Pine. You’ll never see,

with luck, a tree less lovely than—

a tree more bent, more squat, more grim

more weird and ugly than—Jack Pine.”





This one opens with an invitation. It’s full of poem and collaged drawings. It guides us to Jack Pine’s true purpose.


JackPine_sspread_img2image via House of Anansi 



househeldupbytreesHouse Held Up By Trees by Ted Kooser, illustrated by Jon Klassen.

Just thinking about the beauty of this book can bring tears. A house. A lawn. A boy and girl and their father. Wild trees on either side of their shadeless, seedless plot.


Until the house and lawn are left alone.




Hypnotic. Quiet. Beautiful. Magical. Magical trees.


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 image via Gallery Nucleus




atreeisniceA Tree is Nice by Janice May Udry, pictures by Marc Simont.


Indeed, a tree is nice, isn’t it? Good for so many things. So many simple, old-fashioned, useful things (e.g. climbing, swinging, napping, filling up the sky).








image via Turtle and Robot



Your turn! Favorite tree-related books to share? 



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Now for the tree crafts. And cherry blossoms in particular because they’re so iconic of spring (and because I’m longing to visit Japan!).


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Black paint, a straw, and pink tissue paper make a 3D cherry blossom tree from Meet the Dubiens.


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These cherry blossom cupcakes by The Baking Sheet!



Amazing, intricate paper kit by Terada Mokei.





This origami cherry blossom ball would be quite a project!


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Did I save the best for last? Incredible (no longer edible) painted marshmallows using markers and food coloring pens from The Decorated Cookie. Squishy, gorgeous, so much fun.