Tag Archives: travel kids book

this is hong kong + blog vacation

51uoOzIptJL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_This is Hong Kong by M. Sasek (1965; reissued 2007).

I remember when a college roommate of mine brought home a copy of this book  she’d found at a thrift store. Since I grew up in Asia, my teenage years in Hong Kong, it was like holding a piece of the place I missed so much back then. Of course, I still have it on my shelf.


p.s. As you know, there’s a whole series of these city books.







(click image(s) to enlarge) 

This is Hong Kong truly takes you on a tour of the island. It’s got facts and even figures about how much you’ll pay for a ferry ride or to rent a flat (in 1960s prices!). Sasek captures the contrasts of a place that is old and new, city and harbor, modern and traditional. Not to mention, British and Chinese at that time.




Still, Sasek’s 60s portrait of Hong Kong wasn’t my Hong Kong of  the 90s. And the 2007 version of the book, I imagine, details a place that’s already changed very much because it’s that kind of city. The change overnight kind. And I can’t wait to see what’s the same and what’s different since I called it home.




Because I’m going back! For the first time since I was 17!  I’m bringing my husband so he can see where I grew up and I’m also bringing a notebook because I’ve got a YA novel set there and I want to record and remember the way it smells and sounds and feels to make sure I add all that stuff in.





So This Picture Book Life will be dormant for a couple of weeks while I’m traveling to Hong Kong and Tokyo. Which is why I thought I’d leave you with this special, vintage kids’  guidebook for now.


Please tune in again starting April 21st for new posts! And I’ll see you then!


And if you want to follow my travels, I’ll be instagramming them!