Tag Archives: to make stop motion
to make is out + book trailer!
To Make, with art by Mags DeRoma is out today!
I’m filled with joy to be able to share our book with you and with children, all of whom are makers too!
It inspires and is an ode to the creative process with these steps:
gather, make, wait.
Those building blocks of making have meant so much to me and my own process, and this book reflects a lot of making and fifteen years specifically of my own work making picture book manuscripts. So today is the birthday of the first one of those to be an actual book! Honestly, and thankfully, the timing feels exactly right. My hope is that the story helps kid readers believe that they, too, have all the reason in the world to “keep making.” That is its heart and why I wrote it in the first place.
And the biggest thanks to illustrator Mags DeRoma
for going on this journey with me
and for stunning, scrumptious, story-rich illustrations!
And to the most stellar editor, Mabel Hsu at Katherine Tegen/HarperCollins, Amy Ryan (art director), Molly Fehr (designer), and Hannah Mann who agented this project with courage and creativity.
As a way of celebrating, you’re invited to view this special
stop animation book trailer.
My partner and I collaborated on a concept and then he and a truly stellar, caring crew brought it to life. I am forever grateful.
We hope the To Make book trailer inspires you and the children in your life
to start creating!
You’re invited to our virtual book launch at truly wonderful Brave + Kind Bookshop
on June 7th!
Register for free right here!
You can get a copy of the book from Brave + Kind too.
Or your favorite indie bookstore.
You could also check it out from your local library instead! That’s just as wonderful! Or request it if they don’t have a copy—libraries for the win!
If you enjoy To Make and are able to leave a review
on Goodreads or elsewhere online, that’s super helpful to creators of books as well.
Thank you, thank you for your support! To celebrating, and to MAKING!