Tag Archives: little red hood

little red hood + DIY fairy tale costumes

10174316Little Red Hood by Marjolaine Leray (translated by Sarah Ardizzone) (2011).



Written in French. Translated to English and published by Phoenix Yard Books.




I’m obsessed with fairy tales and fairy tale retellings. I don’t think I’ve told you guys that! Well, I am. They’re always on my nightstand and they always show up in my own writing.


Image from The Times review(1)


Dinner is served2

Let me warn you: little kids might be scared by the drawings of the wolf (I know I am). He’s nightmare-inducing.  And the whole concept of the wolf wanting to eat Little Red is on the scary side. So this book is, like many of my favorite picture books, for older peeps too if not ideally for them.



Let’s just say the wolf doesn’t win this one. Little Red Hood does. And she wins in the cleverest, coolest way.


But at least half the power of this book of course is the illustrations. So spare. so stark, scribbly, expressive. We never see the little girl’s face—only her iconic hood. But we know how she feels by the line of her nose. Her nose! And the wolf, by his eyes and jagged teeth.





Even if you’re not a huge fairy tale fan, this book is so good it will make you one. (Or at least a fan of this book.)

And by the way, Leray’s newest book is April the Red Goldfish. I think we can guess this talent’s favorite color!




In honor of Little Red Hood and Halloween, I give you fairy tale costumes!!!

bears-costume-02Goldilocks and the Three Bears via A Beautiful Mess. This is just plain one of the best things I’ve ever seen.


little red riding hood

Stacy at Hart & Sew made this sweet sweet Little Red Riding Hood costume.



And how great are these felt wolf masks from Oh My! Handmade?!


IMG_5287-001The Huntsman from “Little Red Riding Hood” by Make It & Love It.


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Easy Snow Queen costume? Make this pipe cleaner crown by Blythe Ponytail Parades, wear white, paint nails silver. Done. And wicked fun.



There’s so much to love about this mermaid (a la “The Little Mermaid“) costume from Woman’s Day! It’s made mostly with cupcake liners! I’m having trouble containing myself!




This swan mask by Ulla Norup Milbrath is extraordinary. Make six from her inspiration and you’ve got “The Six Swans“! (Or use six of these free printable swan masks from Little Gatherer.)



Finally, here’s my contribution. Cinderella BEFORE the ball. This is all stuff I found in my closet. (Except the feather duster. The feather duster was found at a hardware store.) Put on rosy cheeks and streaks of dirt and you’re good to go!