Tag Archives: isabelle arsenault
jane, the fox, & me
I want to give Jane, the Fox, and Me by Fanny Britt and Isabelle Arsenault to all the preteen and teen girls. Especially the bookish ones.
To break down the characters in the title:
We have Jane, as in Jane Eyre.
We have the fox, the animal the main character encounters at her school’s nature camp.
And we have Me, Helene, our protagonist.
The art! (Remember Isabelle Arsenault‘s illustrations from Virginia Wolf?)
The story!
The interweaving of the two! This book is original, sensitive, and a deeply relevant stunner.
Helene feels all alone, and bullied. Her world is black and white and cold. The other girls invent insults that make her heart hammer and open up holes in her rib cage.
But Helene has a “creeping vine of an imagination.” In the book she reads, Jane Eyre, in her mind when she thinks of it, there’s color. Sweeping, lush color so unlike her world.
The way Helene holds her head—down, ashamed—is heartbreaking. As are the little hints of how she sees herself in the mirror. How she relates to sweets and candy. How she feels when trying on a bathing suit for nature camp. But I love the way her tired, but loving mother is a bright spot. As well as the true to life specific details Britt includes in every spread.
Helene is in despair. But she’s able to compare herself to plain Jane Eyre and, I think, see hope.
Then, the fox.
“With the fox out front,
the outcasts’ tent is transformed
into a tent of miracles.”
Then, the friend. Geraldine.
“We spend an hour together looking for strawberries,
finding strawberries,
eating strawberries.
I tell the story of the fox.
I tell jokes.
I haven’t had a conversation this long in months.”
Then, the facts. That Helene is not as she’s feared: unlovable, disgusting, or a sausage. She’s a growing girl. The kind of girl a fox in the woods might approach. The kind of girl who can have a friend. The kind of girl who, like Jane Eyre, might be capable of giving and receiving love.
Please read this book and pass it along.
Thanks to Groundwood Books for the images!
And see my first installment in PICTURE BOOKS FOR THE OLDER SET HERE.
books to overcome the doldrums part three/virginia wolf
Virginia Wolf written by Kyo Maclear, illustrated by Isabelle Arsenault
You can view this one through the lens of the real life Virginia Woolf (two o’s) and her sister, painter Vanessa Bell. Or you can view it completely on its own.
Sometimes the doldrums can leave you feeling downright wolfish. You might hide. And growl. And be generally precarious to be around. That’s what happened to Virginia. Her sister, Vanessa, tried to help. But nothing could get Virginia to come out of bed.
Virginia’s silhouette is simply genius. Her shadow looks just like a wolf. Until the spell of her wolfish mood breaks and she’s a little girl again. You’ll see what I mean when you read it.
images from Isabelle Arsenault’s website, with permission
Vanessa paints a mural on the wall of Virginia’s bedroom containing all the perfect things Virginia wishes were real. A destination she’d fly to, if she could fly. It’s luscious and colorful, full of whimsy and bloom.
images courtesy of Kids Can Press
That’s how things go from gray-blue to yellow, sunk to lifted, upside down to rightside up again. Vanessa transports her sister through her mural and the whole house goes from gloom to glad. Whew.
Here’s a roundup of ways to transform your walls to transport yourself should you find yourself in a wolfish mood or any mood at all.
TRAVEL INTO A RETRO VIDEO GAME (The Wall Decal Shop UK) or UNDER THE SEA (by Vinyl Lettering) with WALL STICKERS.
GO TO OUTER SPACE (by Colorful Childhood).
Or, my personal favorite, HELLO KITTY LAND (by Fathead).
There’s lovely WASHI TAPE to transform your living room to a Parisian cafe or your laundry room into a love shack. (image)
And for those of us looking at a keyboard all the time, minifanfan’s idea transforms a keyboard into something full of life with WASHI TAPE:
Finally, take a wall from ho hum to a lovely lush LIVING one with Woolly Pockets. You might just think you’re in a garden, a forest, or a jungle when actually inside.