Tag Archives: elementary educator books

picture book giveaway for educators for 8 years of this picture book life!

I love giving away books and this is the most to a single blog reader I’ve ever had the pleasure of sending off!  These 16  terrific books from the last couple of years are for an educator’s classroom or library to celebrate 8 years of This Picture Book Life and to celebrate all the vital work teachers do, entry details below!


The picture books:

Mii maanda ezhi-gkendmaanh / This is How I Know: a Book about Seasons by Brittany Luby & Joshua Mangeshig Pawis-Steckley (2021). Translated by Alvin Ted Corbiere and Alan Corbiere.

Me & Mama by Cozbi A. Cabrera (2020).

The Fearless Flights of Hazel Ying Lee by Julie Leung, illustrated by Julie Kwon (2021).

Together We March by Leah Henderson, illustrated by Tyler Feder (2021).

Pride Puppy by Robin Stevenson and Julie McLaughlin (2021).

Amira’s Picture Day by Reem Faruqi, illustrated by Fahmida Azim (2021).

If Dominican Were a Color written by Sili Recio, illustrated by Brianna McCarthy (2021).

Princess Arabella at the Museum by Mylo Freeman (2021).

A Gift for Amma by Meera Sriram and Mariona Cabassa (2020).

The Secret Fawn by Kallie George & Elly MacKay (2021).

Amazing Women of the Middle East by Wafa’ Tarnowska, illustrated by Hoda Hadadi, Sahar Haghgoo, Christelle Halal, Esteli Meza Margarida Esteves (2020).

Sato the Rabbit by Yuki Ainoya (2021).

The Last Tree by Emily Haworth-Booth (2020).

My Bed by Rebecca bond, illustrated by Salley Mavor (2020).

Lift As You Climb by Patricia Hruby Powell, illustrated by R. Gregory Christie (2020).

Toasty by Sarah Hwang (2021).

The giveaway:

a Rafflecopter giveaway









And quick update for any picture book creators out there: I’m super excited to be teaching another round of my online picture book revision workshop series starting August 7th! There are details about this special opportunity to REVISE your manuscript according to your voice and vision, RECEIVE encouragement and inspiration from me and the small group, and REVITALIZE your writing process on my website here! Or simply email me to get more info or sign up. Two scholarships at a significant discount available for participants with underrepresented/marginalized voices in publishing—we need your voices!