Tag Archives: cool merit badges

here come the girl scouts + merry merit badges




Here Come the Girl Scouts by Shana Corey, illustrated by Hadley Hooper.  I’ve confessed my admiration for Shana Corey’s historical women power books before. (Remember how I dressed up like Amelia Bloomer?) This more recent one from 2012 is truly golden too.


It’s the story of Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Law. When she was a girl she had gumption. Like Amelia Bloomer, she wasn’t proper at all. She was adventurous! One of her later adventures was forming the Girl Scouts (modeled after the Boy Scouts in England). She held the first meeting in  Savannah, Georgia in 1912.




The Girl Scouts bridged social class divides. They followed the ten Girl Scouts laws. They camped. They sang. They planted trees. They learned skills. They earned badges. (See what current badges look like here.)



“Every time you show your courage it grows.”




They made a difference. They grew up. They still do. While I was sadly never a Girl Scout myself, this book made me proud anyway. Proud of Daisy Gordon Law. And proud of Girl Scouts.

“You will not have any luck unless you try hard.”







I’m thinking my holiday gifts this year will be merit badges. Heartfelt, funny, honoring, and easily accessorized. Also, they’re merit badges!


I’ve been eyeing the array of merit patches at Disorderly Goods for some time. I mean, “recognition for grow-up feats”? Can I get a whoop?





Screen Shot 2013-10-30 at 3.21.33 PM1.) dopamine patch: for believing in love; 2.) surrealist patch: for thinking outside the suit; 3.) big dipper patch: for dreaming big.


Then there are the four honor badges at Best Made Company, awarded for one of four virtues: courage, compassion, grace, and fortitude.






Buy Olympia has a selection of patches too and they’re a hoot. Perfect to celebrate someone’s special quirks.



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And this one from Be Proud on etsy feels near and dear to me. “You’ve earned this merit badge in honour of your special knack for getting back on the horse.” That’s one of my special knacks! Maybe there’s one in the mix of merit badges there that feels near and dear to you or someone you know too.




Finally, if you’re feeling crafty,  Julie Schneider on the etsy blog gives these embroidery directions for making your own custom merit badges. So good!

