Tag Archives: the black rabbit
picture books on shadows
The Black Rabbit by Philippa Leathers
Hans and Matilda by Yokococo.
The Black Rabbit is a hilarious shadow story, and I’m not giving much away by saying that.
Clever kids will quickly figure out who’s really following that little white rabbit, but it’ still fun to see him finally figure it out.
I love, too, that the once foreboding black rabbit is actually benevolent and helpful when white rabbit is in trouble. It’s like we need those shadow selves; at times they come in handy!
Hans and Matilda is a shadow story as well, but in a different way.
Matilda was a good little cat; Hans was a naughty little cat.
“They were SO different!”
And they were different, like night and day really. But the thing is, and I don’t want to completely give it away, but I’m going to . . . [SPOILER ALERT]:
Hans and Matilda are the same cat! I love how this speaks to the different facets of ourselves and I think it’s something children can really relate to: being so good sometimes and so naughty sometimes but still being the same person. (Adults are sure to appreciate that too.)
Thanks to Candlewick for the images!
MATILDA AND HANS. Copyright © 2012 by Yokococo. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA on behalf of Templar Publishing, UK.
THE BLACK RABBIT. Copyright © 2013 by Philippa Leathers. Reproduced by permission of the publisher, Candlewick Press, Somerville, MA.
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So … shadows and shadow play! How fun is this!
Su Owen‘s incredible papercut shadow puppets.
Templates from the always amazing Mini Eco.
DIY bedtime story puppets from Handmade Charlotte.
DIY flashlight with a soda can and cereal box (I’m thinking some experience necessary on that one!)
This charming LOVE YOU nightlight by Houseyhome.
Moulin Roty Dinosaur shadow puppets.
“Hand Made” wallpaper by Paper Boy. What a trip!
Where The Wild Things Are inspired shadow puppets from Olive and B!
Here’s to shadows, our own and the puppet variety!