Tag Archives: summer crafts
bonjour camille + fortune tellers
Bonjour Camille by Felipe Cano, illustrations by Laia Aguilar.
Coming from Chronicle in August 2014, this book is pure play! (I mean, the endpapers are yellow on yellow polka dots!)
Camille’s “battledress” is a tutu and top hat. And Camille has “so many things to do!” But not to worry, none of them feels like a burdensome task. Quite the opposite.
click image(s) to enlarge
One of the things Camille has to do is give the waves names (above). Another, eat lots of cherries. She has to choose a new favorite color, of course! And let’s not forget all that jumping on the bed to fit into her schedule! So much jumping on the bed to do.
Illustrator Laia Aguilar is best known for her children’s clothing line, Bobo Choses. Those clothes are out of this world cute and inventive. Just check out this swimsuit to see what I mean.
The illustrations are captivating. Black, bold, almost Sharpie-like strokes. Simple and super full of whimsy. And partway through, one page is a solid color (Camille’s new favorite) and the effect is fabulous. The prints and patterns throughout are not only pleasing, but tell a story of their own.
This is kind of a perfect book for, well, everyone of course, but perhaps specifically kids who may claim to be bored. Camille will surely inspire them with something playful to do!
Check out the original Spanish version with a green cover instead of pink. Also, the clothes that were made in conjunction with the book!
Thanks to Chronicle Books for images!
I received a review copy; opinions are my own.
My dude and I just had to make fortune tellers inspired by Camille! After all, there are so many things to do!
Here are some basic instructions for making a fortune teller. We rounded up paper, cut it into squares, and then folded away according to the directions (and it all felt a little familiar from grade school). Next, it was stickers, markers, and glue to complete the fun.
My dude made one and I made one. (His has the numbers and is super precise; mine has the letters and stickers and is, well, messier.)
We decided to have four outcomes (you can make eight if you like) all related to Bonjour Camille.
1. Make a top hat. (Like Camille did)!
2. Say bonjour! (Like the book title.)
3. Name your shoes. (The way Camille names waves.)
4. Jump on the bed. (Of course!!)
These could come in handy as a summer activity for kids. And I just hope you’ll make one or two! (Please send pictures if you do!!)