Tag Archives: airlie arlington

momo and snap are not friends! + sound effects

9781846436031Momo and Snap are not Friends! by Airlie Anderson is the story of Momo the monkey and Snap the crocodile. The cover tells you three main things you need to know about the book:



1. It’s told through sound effects only!! (Just like the main characters names sound related to who they are.)




2. The emphatic declaration that they’re not friends cleverly tells you there’s more to the story.


3. The illustrations are reminiscent of comics and simply playful as can be.
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Momo and Snap meet. They express themselves. They compete.


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But before they know it, they’re having fun. Together. Like friends almost!


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But it’s when something unexpected happens that these two truly bond. The only words in the book are sound effects and actions and onomatopoeia, so the last page doesn’t say this, but it expresses: Momo and Snap ARE friends! But you have to read the book to see, I mean HEAR, it unfold.

Airlie Anderson says, “I never really outgrew the picture book phase—I’ve always thought of them as their own art form, and not exclusively for children.”

This is why she’s  a This Picture Book Life kindred spirit even though we’ve never met!


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So in the spirit of sound effects, buum, buum, buummmm:




Tattly’s temporary tattoos are the best. And YAY by Mike Lowery is oh so appropriate for today’s post.


Batman Fight Sounds pencils were an essential part of my honey’s birthday gift last year.  Kaboom, right?




Superhero sound effects on cookies, yo!! (Thanks to Sweet Arts Sweets.)



Studio DIY‘s giant, exclamatory balloon message.





Onomatopoeic cat toy from the frog bag on etsy.




Manicure a la comics from Iced Lacquer!




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And fill in your own speech bubbles, like these photobooth props and DIY speech bubble pillows from CAKIES.


And, Ta da! That Kate Spade bracelet’s our finale.

Thanks for listening, folks!!


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